This can be used to offset negative behaviors and push them toward positive territory. Later, you can have a stern talk or hug it out when a kid has done wrong. At first, your only options are to loose your cool and yell at them when they do bad. Selecting the 'Parenting' menu, you can select one of multiple ways to encourage that behavior. When a child exhibits a behavior - good or bad - that ties in to the character values system, the parent can be used to interact with the kid. Level the parenting skill to get better interactions and higher success rates with all parenthood-related socials. You can yell at your kids, but they're unlikely to listen. While it helps with solving kids' needs and allows you to direct children and teens in-game by telling them to take care of themselves, do their homework or chores, this is its main purpose. Parenting Skill has a strong tie-in with the Character Values System that comes with Parenthood.